Hi François Suter,

>It's true that the logo with 2 colors was more distinctive,


>but I don't think the change is so dramatic,

here we disagree. I still think the color scheme is a very strong
compoment of the TYPO3 that created that strong brand

>Nike could paint their swoosh any color, you would still recognized 
>the brand.

Thanks for naming this "Nike swoosh" here. I didn't know that name
so I did not understand what Robert was saying there in the

BTW and SCNR: Looks like they know "the orange way" as well?

But seriously: The swoosh is made up to 90 % by form and the rest
is being "one colored". If they ever start changing that they will
do it very slowly and carefully. I'm not saying it's not possible.

We are in a different situation: We have a well defined two
colored icon. And it's part of a strong picture plus word brand.

Now we start changing the names because we feel we need to. That
weakens the original brand. We can't avoid that any more, I think.
But we can avoid that we weaken it a second time by taking away a
color that has so much been a constituting part of the TYPO3 logo.

Have a look at the TYPO3 channel at Youtube now:

I could live with the big logo at the top left up to now as long
as it was two colored. Now it looks terrible. And note that you
can still find and recognize the favicon like little TYPO3 logo at
the right rather well because it's still two colored.

>After all they are quite 
>a few color-blind people around, for whom it does not matter as much 
>maybe, and it could allow us to change color again if we have some good 
>reasons to do so with more ease, as the color would have less 
>importance. Somehow it's more future-proof.

You're joking, aren't you? If not: That's the joke of the year for
me. Are you saying, that when we are considering the color scheme
we should design for those who are color-blind?
Hhm, I *must* have understood something wrong here ...

Cheerful cheers ...


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