
Tolleiv Nietsch wrote:
I've NEVER seen anyone blocking my work - at least not from within the
Core team.

There was one decision, which you can see as "blocking" (or may be not). There was an explicit decision not to add TV to the core. Basically TV was voted out by people, who do not like TV and never used it. This is how I understood it.

I am not accusing or complaining. May be they were right and TV is better as a separate module. It gives more freedom to develop. But when I see that core people got Fluid into the core, which is much less friendly than TV, I start feeling that something is not entirely right here. I do not pretend to be a judge but TYPO3 could be better if it included more user friendly modules out of the box.

TV was Kasper's and Robert's invention for Dassault Systemes, which needed a better and more friendly way to handle multiple blocks on the page. It is a unique approach to templating, which no other CMS has. So sad that TYPO3 decided not to use all advantages, friendliness and uniqueness of this approach by default.

Dmitry Dulepov

Simplicity will save the world.

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