Me again, Torsten.  I'm sorry to beat a dead horse, but I still can't show
the value.  My end goal is to retrieve the uid of a news item from the
flex form and display it in a news plugin on the page.  But taking it in
steps, I'm just trying for now to display the uid of the news item in a
typoscript object path.  Here's how I modified it, but it's still showing
up blank in that section, however when I use page.10 instead, it works

lib.field_tier2_2 >
lib.field_tier2_2 = COA
lib.field_tier2_2.10 = XPATH
lib.field_tier2_2.10 {

  # fetch XML field from FCE on current page
  source.cObject = CONTENT
  source.cObject {
    table = tt_content
    select {
      where = CType='templavoila_pi1'
      andWhere = tx_templavoila_ds=128
      max = 1
      selectFields = tx_templavoila_flex
    renderObj = TEXT
    renderObj.field = tx_templavoila_flex

  # set expression and return format
  expression = //field[@index="field_content_area"]/value
  return = string

  # result object from XPATH query
  resultObj {
    cObjNum = 1
    1.current = 1

I think I'm gonna owe you a virtual beer after all this!  Please let me
know if you have any ideas.


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