hi everybody,

is EXT:flux 5.0 incompatible with TYPO3 4.7? in the news on 16/12/2012 i only read "Flux and FED 5.0 are compatible with 6.0".

I just tryout EXT:fluidcontent which depends on EXT:flux in an 4.7.7 TYPO3 installation and tried to add one of the twitter bootstrap content elements on a page. this results in this error message in the BE:

<quote >
Fatal error: Class 'TYPO3\CMS\Core\Messaging\FlashMessage' not found in /var/www/hella/typo3conf/ext/flux/Classes/Service/Configuration.php on line 103

line 103 says:

$flashMessage = new \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Messaging\FlashMessage($messageText, 'Fluid configuration missing', t3lib_FlashMessage::WARNING);

kind regards

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