Snowbabel is not touching original labels in extensions. So it's not created for edit the default-Language.

It is using the "l10n"-mecanism from TYPO3. So xml or xliff files will be created in typo3conf/l10n/{langKey}/{myext}/../{langKey}.locallang.xml for example.

But your Problem is located here:

Since typo3 always change 'en' to 'default' files in typo3conf/l10n/en/ will not work anymore. As long as this issue is not solved in typo3 core, the system will not recognize your 'en' translations in typo3conf/l10n/

in the meantime use Typoscript or overwrite the whole translation file with a hook.

Am 15.01.2013 12:50, schrieb PIT Solutions:
Hi All,

I've a problem with Snowbabel extension. I am using the typo3 version 4.7.2 and 
Snowbabel 3.6.1.
My default language is deutsch and an English language also.
I am trying to translate the extension sr_feuser_register using snowbabel.
When I add translation for deutsch content its working fine.
But the problem with English translation. In english translation, the 
sr_feuser_register extension shows the
default English text from the locallang file and not the translated text using 

I need to change the default english language labels using snowbabel.

Is it possible ? In the manual I saw that we can't edit the default text using 
If the question is unclear please inform me.

  Please help me. Thanks in advance.

With Regards,
Arun Chandran.

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