Hi there

I'm using nc_staticfilecache (2.3.4 in a 4.5.24 installation) and I'm very 
happy with it so far. I was going through the documentation/extension and found 
the following in the cleaner script:
'processDirtyPages:  Recaches pages that are marked as dirty.';

That is actually the functionality I'm looking for but when I execute the 
script with the processDirtyPages argument, it doesn't recreate the dirty pages 
but it just deletes the directory, where the dirty page is located. Is that 
expected behaviour or is there a way to truly recreate the dirty pages?

The reason why I want that is: Creating a cached, static version of a page 
takes between 2.5 and 3.5 seconds, and I don't want that a user ever has to go 
through that waiting time. So I rather show an expired, static file, which is 
served nearly instantly, instead of having the user wait for a cached page to 
be generated.

Thanks in advance for any help or hint.

Best regards,
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