Hello Thomas,

1. register a username on TYPO3.org
2. register an extensionkey on TYPO3.org
3. open forge.typo3.org and click login
4. http://forge.typo3.org/start/createProject?
   name the project like the extensionkey ;)

That's all.
Subversion works well with turtoiseSVN or commandline svn. the svn
location is visible in the repository tab ...


Am 12.03.13 11:48, schrieb Thomas Skierlo:
> Hi,
> I've got a question about an extension upload to TER and Forge. What is
> the right sequence? First create the project on Forge, and than the TER
> upload? Or is it coupled in any way?
> Is there any documentation for the (TYPO3 specific) usage of subversion?
> Regards,
> Thomas

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