Op 26-06-13 19:46, Jigal van Hemert schreef:

On 26-6-2013 16:48, Muriel le Pair wrote:
In the BE I want to load all records of an other table into a select
box, since these records are part of the extension it should ignore the

I tried setting rootLevel to 1, but somehow that doesn't make any

'language' => array(
     'exclude' => 0,
     'config' => array(
         'type' => 'select',
         'foreign_table' =>
         'rootLevel' => 1,
         'minitems' => 0,
         'maxitems' => 1,

"If set, the "foreign_table_where" will be ignored and a "pid=0" will be
added to the query to select only records from root level of the page

This setting ignores whatever is set in 'foreign_table_where' (which you
don't use, so no change here) and adds 'pid=0'. The last part will only
show records that are in the root of the site (the page with the TYPO3
logo), but no other pages/folders.

Without that setting you should see all records in the entire
installation, except those from pages where the user that edits the
record doesn't have access to.

Hi Jigal,

The odd thing is that rootLevel = 1 seems to be ignored all together.
Is this a bug, or am I doing something wrong?

When I set rootLevel to 1 it outputs the following query:
SELECT tx_sfcodehighlighter_domain_model_languageall1.uid FROM tx_sfcodehighlighter_domain_model_languageall1, pages WHERE pages.uid=tx_sfcodehighlighter_domain_model_languageall1.pid
AND pages.deleted=0 AND 1=1

When I add:
'foreign_table_where' => 'AND tx_sfcodehighlighter_domain_model_languageall1.pid=0',
It outputs the following query:
SELECT tx_sfcodehighlighter_domain_model_languageall1.uid FROM tx_sfcodehighlighter_domain_model_languageall1, pages WHERE pages.uid=tx_sfcodehighlighter_domain_model_languageall1.pid AND pages.deleted=0 AND 1=1 AND tx_sfcodehighlighter_domain_model_languageall1.pid=0

In both cases the rootLevel setting is ignored.

I don't want all records that are linked to the current page, but all records. So how do I delete pages.uid=tx_sfcodehighlighter_domain_model_languageall1.pid from the query?

kind regards,

Muriel le Pair

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