I'm trying to setup a language selection menu with English and Korean. I'd like to render the "Korean" menu item/label in Korean (therefore not in latin characters).

So far though, when I paste the characters into the template setup, they appear to paste correctly, but when the template setup is re-opened the characters have not saved correctly and appear instead as question marks ("???"). The menu item appears this way in the front end also.

Does TYPO3 support utf-8 or non-latin characters in typoscript?

Using TYPO3 4.7.12
I have the database character set & collation as UTF-8 unicode.
localconf.php has the following
$TYPO3_CONF_VARS['SYS']['setDBinit'] = 'SET NAMES utf8;'.chr(10).'SET SESSION character_set_server=utf8;';
$TYPO3_CONF_VARS['BE']['forceCharset'] = 'utf8';

Here's my language menu setup:
lib.langMenu = HMENU
lib.langMenu {
  special = language
  special.value = 0,1
  special.normalWhenNoLanguage = 0
    1 = TMENU
    1 {
      # Normal link to language that exists:
      NO = 1
      NO.allWrap = |*| | |*| |
      NO.linkWrap = <b> | </b>
      NO.stdWrap.setCurrent = English || ???
      NO.stdWrap.current = 1
      # Current language selected:
      ACT < .NO
      ACT.linkWrap = <b> | </b>
      # Language that is NOT available:
      USERDEF1 < .NO
      USERDEF1.linkWrap = <span> | </span>
      USERDEF1.doNotLinkIt = 1

Thanks in advance,
David Cumberbeach
TYPO3-english mailing list

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