Am 29.07.13 16:19, schrieb d.ros:
Am 29.07.2013 16:05, schrieb bernd wilke:
Am 29.07.13 12:33, schrieb d.ros:

once there was #17037 to make shortcut handling better. But this still
has a litte space to work even more better which could be resolved with
an additional switch where the name could be "chosen page with 301".

At the moment the link points directly to the target page, but there are
usecases where it makes sense to give an editor the possiblity to
generate shortcut links pointing to pages which reside deeper in a page.

Atm. you could make a new page and use "show content from" which has the
disadvantage of double content. There are also possiblities to set those
entries with realURL or cooluri or even .htaccess but this is quite
unhandy for editors.

If you could set an 301 option to the shortcut, you would have a link
like redirecting to
with a 301

IMHO it makes quite sense to make this setting settable for editors.

As of TYPO3 4.7 (or was it 4.6?) links to pages of type shortcut are
generated as links to the target page.
you only get a redirect if you call the page immediate (index.php?id=123)

it's a pity that external URL is not handled in the same way.
I just had a project with static export and had to replace the internal
page url with the corresponding external url.


External link is not an option as you cannot generate the short url on
the fly. ATM: The only workaroud is to place the shortcut under a tree
that is hidden from pagepath, open that page so the url cache ( cooluri
or realurl - doesn´t matter ) is filled and switching the page to
shortcut mode. That way you can manage shortcut urls as editor. But once
the url cache is emptied the links are gone and you have to respawn them
by hand.

so file a vote for this please !

I don't understand your wish or your problem. (external url was just a annotation about the different handling of external URLs)

I try to resume your doing:

you have a page with content,
then you move the content to
then you change the first page into a shortcut of the second page

now you want all links to the first page to redirect with 301 to the second page?

as I mentioned before:
all links inside of typo3 will never point to but only to

'deeplinks' from external may call the old URL and will be redirected (without 301) to the new page. BUT with realURL you can insert a 301 redirect by yourself. I don't know whether collUrl has the same options.

BTW: which T3-version do you use?

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