Hi everyone,

I'm crap at english, sorry.

I would like to create a dynamic recipient list with DirectMail. The list 
contains users who have their 'premium service' closing in the month.
On DirectMail, I chose "special querry" and then I create my query with "WHERE endtime 
>= today AND endtime <= today+30"

Here is the result :
SELECT uid,pid,deleted FROM fe_users WHERE ( endtime >= 1380797021 AND endtime <= 1383389026) AND fe_users.deleted=0
I would like to have something more like this :
SELECT uid,pid,deleted FROM fe_users WHERE ( endtime >= today AND endtime <= today+30) AND fe_users.deleted=0

Having "today" and "today+30" would be very dynamic, everyday the timetsamp 
would change and it would be great to send mails without having to refresh the recipient list every 

Thanks for your help.


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