
When adding data- attributes to links in RTE, the links are not rendered
anymore with realurl.

The changelog of 4.7 [1] states that this is supported. I use a 6.1

How I create link with data attibute:
I add a link to an internal page with the "modify link" button.
Then I switch to html view with the "toggle text mode" button and add
the the attribute data-foo="bar" to the link.
After saving the element and looking at the FE, the link is there, but
nor rendered with pagepath by realurl as expected, but as ?id=3.
If I create a link without data- attribute, it gets rendered with page
path (/path/page.html)

Link without data-attribute in RTE :
<a href="http://example.com/?id=4"; class="internal-link">My Link</a>

Link without data-attribute as it is stored in DB:
<link 4 - internal-link>My Link</link>

Link with data-attribute in RTE :
<a data-foo="bar" href="http://example.com/?id=4"; class="internal-link"
rtekeep="1">My Link</a>

Link with data-attribute as it is stored in DB:
<a data-foo="bar" href="?id=4" class="internal-link">My Link</a>

Why does RTE not transform the link with data-attribute to a <link> tag?
How to render links with data-attributes as "usual" typolinks so that
realurl parses them?

[1] http://wiki.typo3.org/TYPO3_4.7#htmlArea_Rich-Text-Editor


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