Sorry to bring an old topic to the top, but once it is related, i think there 
is no need to open a new one.

I'm using datamints to deal with the register form and with the edit 
information form, but this extension does not allow me to create a profle page 
where it is possible to only see the profle information in a certain section of 
the page (after login, i have a section in top right corner where the username 
and address is shown, that's why i need to have that static information).

So, once i could not find an extension to do this, i started to write some PHP code so i 
could show that information in the page...I can do the usual queries, but what i cant do 
is to show only the information related to the user that have done login, i have no way 
to do that verification, so i would like some guidance in this part, i used 
"$_SESSION" but without results...

Here it is a print from my code:

I would aprreciate some assistance if possible, the login is made by felogin !!
Thanks in advance
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