Am 05.11.13 09:47, schrieb Salander:

I'm crap at english, I hope you'll understand.

I have an SQL table specially created for tt_address. It's basically a
list of place where celebretations are made, with their addres, their
name, and some others informations. It takes a lot of work to write them
manually one-by-one in the TYPO3 backend.
So here's my question:
I would like to create a form that the frontend user can fulfil himself,
and when it's done, maybe I would like to check what he did in backend
or modify 1-2 things. The major idea is to lift me some painful works
and let my users do most of it (without being painful for them, of
course! I just want a simple form that they can fulfil).

Is it possible to do something simple without creating a TYPO3 plugin?
Maybe there is an extension that already exist or maybe I can do by HTML
just like sr_feuser_register's form? ( you know with the ###value### )

you may use the extension formhandler.
so the extension primary sends mail you can store data in records of any table.

an example (with german explanation) with tt_news:

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