Hi Xavier,

thank you for your answer.

Quote: Xavier Perseguers (xperseguers) wrote on Wed, 15 January 2014 09:30
Hi Thomas,

> I'm currently trying to get TYPO3 6.2.0 (yesterdays master, fresh
> install) to work with utf8_unicode_ci collation (instead of
> utf8_general_ci), but whenever I click on "Update Wizard" in the Install
> Tool, I'm getting this mySQL Error:
> > llegal mix of collations (utf8_general_ci,IMPLICIT) and
> (utf8_unicode_ci,IMPLICIT) for operation '<>'
> > My my.cnf: > > [mysqld]
> character-set-server=utf8
> collation-server = utf8_unicode_ci
> init-connect='SET NAMES utf8'
> > To make absolutely sure I created an empty database with explicit
> collation utf8_unicode_ci
> before I started TYPO3 setup. Right after setup I checked all tables as
> well as the database. All on "utf8_unicode_ci", looking perfect.
> > DB Check just loved everythink. Everything "green". > > Unless I click on "Update Wizard" in the Install Tool. Doing so it gives
> me an SQL Error:
> > exec_SELECTquery
> ERROR: Illegal mix of collations (utf8_general_ci,IMPLICIT) and
> (utf8_unicode_ci,IMPLICIT) for operation '<>'
> lastBuiltQuery : SELECT COUNT(uid) FROM tt_content WHERE media <> '' AND
> CAST(CAST(media AS DECIMAL) AS CHAR) <> media OR (CType = 'uploads' AND
> select_key != '')

According to http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/charset-convert.html

If you use CAST() without specifying CHARACTER SET, the resulting
character set and collation are defined by the character_set_connection
and collation_connection system variables. If you use CAST() with
CHARACTER SET X, the resulting character set and collation are X and the
default collation of X.

This are the current MySQL system variables:

character set client    utf8
character set connection: utf8
character set database: utf8
character set filesystem:       binary
character set results: utf8
character set server: utf8
character set system: utf8
collation connection: utf8_unicode_ci
collation database:     utf8_unicode_ci
collation server: utf8_unicode_ci
init connect: SET NAMES utf8

So I would suggest to double check if your DBinit param sets the
character_set to use *for the connection*.

Well, I checked more than twice, and I'm running out of ideas and motivation to carry on with 6.2 (after losing 6 days just with this issue, which is well known on forge since more than a year). Explicitely setting a collation for the query probably would fix the problem, but it would break many non-MySQL engines, like Postgress.
I assume that you do not have this problem?

Kind regards,

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