
@Xavier: This is all about 4.5 so actually I also never heard about opcode 
cache problems there.
And the fact that we do a bugfix update shouldn't cause such problems. (And 
it's not only one require stmt that causes this, but various: from pibase to 

We have now Iban and Robert being able to reproduce the issue.

I had a look at .32 changes too. This was a security release and also only 
contained some "minor" changes, which I wouldn't expect to cause the reported 
sort of errors.

Kind regards

Markus Klein
TYPO3 CMS Active Contributors Team Member

> Hi Xavier,
> thanks for your response. I did understand very well not to restart the whole
> monster :-).
> I did those update/downgrade tests within a university infrastructure, where
> there is one php that serves many virtual hosts (it's a Redheat/CentOS
> distribution). It is not just that simple to initiate a php daemon restart, 
> simply
> because there might quite likely be a course on Moodle going on, which then
> would most certainly experience interruptions (wouldn't be the first time).
> And still, when it comes to shared hostings, the solution presented here
> needs shell access, which many people just don't have.
> So eventually I still wonder, why there where some 30 upgrades and nothing
> alike happened (at least I didn't read anything - please correct me, when I am
> wrong!), and now those problems arise. As for the university, the php
> infrastructure didn't see a change in a php major version in over 4 years (I
> probably shouldn't say that, but, well, here it is...), so I wouldn't blame 
> php...
> ...just thinking out loud...
> Have a nice day!
> Robert
> > Markus did not suggest to restart the *whole server*, but the *PHP
> > server* (as he explained, to clear the PHP opcode cache). This
> > typically
> > means:
> >
> > $ sudo /etc/init.d/php-fpm restart
> >
> > or
> >
> > $ apache2ctl graceful
> >
> > (PHP-fpm or mod-php5)
> >
> > and of course not a complete reboot of the server itself. Of course,
> > even that may be problematic for you or for someone using a shared
> > server. But the whole point is actually to clear the opcode cache, so
> > if you cannot afford doing that, you have to find out how to clear the
> > opcode cache differently. You can search on Google or read the TYPO3
> > code to see how it does when an extension is installed in 6.2.
> >
> > By using search terms "clear opcode cache" you'll see that for
> > instance if using APC:
> >
> > http://stackoverflow.com/questions/911158/how-to-clear-apc-cache-entri
> > es
> >
> > HTH
> > Xavier
> >
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