
On 9-5-2014 20:15, Ron Aarts wrote:
I have no experience whatsoever with Typo3 or building websites for that
matter. But my company asked me to move our website to a VPS and update
the CMS. I think I got quite far (other then some styling issues) but
there is one thing that I just can't seem to fix. On the VPS with the
updated CMS ( h t t p: / / the picture all the way on the
top of the page is completely different then the picuture on the
original website ( h t t p : / / www.neon-networking.nl ). I noticed
that in the HTML page source on the VPS website the image linked is in a
completely different folder (uploads/tx_tempvoila/someimage.jpg) then
the original website (uploads/media/someimage.jpg).

My guess is that there is a faulty reference somewhere in the database
or in the TemplaVoila settings.... I have tried to find the issue but I
feel like I am looking for a needle in a haystack. I hope some one with
some more experience then me can push me in the right direction!

It's very hard to say what the problem is without knowing how the pages are built. You mention TemplaVoilà, so I assume that is used to render the page template. If that is the case I would look at how the template is built (WEB > TemplaVoilà) (if you start to edit a template it warns you that saving changes might destroy manual modifications; if you don't save anything nothing will be changed, so don't be scared) Maybe there is a field where you can set the image. If you found the field the next thing is to check the TypoScript for that field (there is an option to see the TypoScript processing of a field).

There are so many ways to build a website and implement features that it's hard to say what the problem is without knowing all the details.

Jigal van Hemert
TYPO3 CMS Active Contributor

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