
I look after two systems a) runs 4.5.34, b) runs 4.5.29. There are lots of 
configuration differences between the two.

This problem concerns the creation of new CEs using the "Create new content 
element" icon at the top of the screen when using the Page module.

System b) shows two dialogues: "1: Select type of content element:" and "2: Select 
position:" and everything is fine.

System a) just shows the first dialogue and results in an error when the new CE is saved 
"1: Attempt to insert record on page '[root-level]' (0) where this table, 
tt_content, is not allowed". Presumably TYPO3 does not know where to put the new CE.

I guess I must have something (TSCONFIG?) wrongly configured in b) but I cannot 
find it. Can anyone give me a clue?

Many thanks.

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