Hi everyone,

After having migrated from TYPO3 4.5 to 6.2, I have some problems with my user 
realname (I have an admin user).

Previously, it was "Jérôme P.", and now it's just "J".
The same thing happened to another user (also with an accentuation on the 
second letter), only the first letter was keeped (I think this user sometimes 
logged in during the migration too).
There are no problems with the rest of the users (they still have their correct 
real name in the database), even though several have an accentuation on the 
second letter ; but I know that none of them logged in.

So I guess something happen during the connexion... at first, I thought it was 
because of some character encoding problems, but all (database, TYPO3, 
connection, ...) is in UTF-8.

I then tried to modify my real name in "User settings" module ; the 
modification is saved, and when I do F5 my real name is correctly displayed in the BE (in 
the top right corner). After I log out, if I log in with another account, the real name 
is still the correct one inside the database ; but if I log in with my account, my real 
name is again truncated...
Same thing happen if I modify my real name directly inside the database instead of using 
"User settings" module.

LDAP is used for authentication (like before the migration), could it be the 
reason of these unwanted modifications ?

So I also tried something else : I created with the install tool an admin user, with real 
name = "Témp admin". There is no problem with this one, the real name remains 
the correct one, I can log in and log out without seeing the real name truncated.

Does someone know how these things are happening, how logging in can modify the 
database ? and where it's configured ?

Thanks in advance !
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