Hi all, I've got a little question for you:

I and my team tried to manage a new TYPO3 project in this way:

Three developers have a TYPO3 distribution on their local machine (a
laptop); each of them have configured a different host name for the






But the database is in common between them: in  fact it has been
installed on a remote machine.


The folders like fileadmin and typo3conf are synchronized via Git
between the developers .(except for LocalConfiguration.php and


the config.baseurl=whatever has been written inside a file
/fileadmin/LocalConfiguration/Localconfiguration.txt included in the
Typoscript (this file is ignored by Git, too).


My problem: it seems that TYPO3 caches the baseUrl each time I perform a
clear cache from the backend, and it writes the baseurl of the last
person who cleares the cache, so obviously the other two people will see
the site "broken" (without styles).

I've found that the only way to avoid this behavior is disabling the


Do you have some trick/suggestion for me? What can I do apart from
disabling the whole cache via config.no_cache=1 or &no_cache=1 on


Thank you very much for your answers and best regards



Riccardo De Contardi - Web Developer
B Human Srl - www.bhuman.it <http://www.bhuman.it/> 

Corso di Porta Nuova, 46 - 20121 Milano
TEL +39-02-20.23.271 - FAX +39-02-20.240.561



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