Hi thanks for the reply i did it myself by adding "href=linktothepage" in a HTML file. As i understand there is two files in the folder, 
one is called "Index.html" and another "index-interne.html" i believe the first one is the ""template"" to 
the first page of the webite, and the second one is defining the ""template"" for every others pages.

I don't know the english for it but my website is the one of my town. I mean i work at the mayor's office and stuff.
So i managed to do it but i have a problem that has appear. I have my picture 
in every bottom of the page that is clickable and link to the right page, but a 
random elements, from the right columns which was not clickable before, just 
became clickable and link to the same page as the picture from the bottom.

I believe its in the HTML code or so, in the code i have the lanes that define 
my pictures on everybottom with the link to the page i want and just below i 
have the thing that became clickable for no reason.
my first thought was that the <a> wasnt closed and the href link the second 
part with the first one and so on.

But i can't find any mistakes in the code "i'm really bad at it, pretty sure it's obvious" but anyway, i you guys got a answer to that i'll be really happy to hear it. i'll provide you some more info on the code/page. Thanks
imgur.com /gohdyO5 screenshot from the site, you can see the image on the bottom which is 
clickable and the "Aujourd'hui a Istres" which is not supoposed to be clickable 
but it is.

<div class="img_bas_site">
                        <a href="(cantlink).XXXXXXX/index.php?id=2813" >
                        <img src="../images/img_bas_site.gif" alt="Labels" 
title="Labels"/>                  "the img on the bottom"
<div class="clear"></div>
<div class="bloc_droit">
         <div class="encart_droit" >
             <div class="encart_droit_entete">
                       <h3>AUJOURD'HUI A XXXXXX</h3>                     "WHY IS 
                   <ul class="right_lien_liste">
                       <li><a href="">XXXXXXXX</a></li>
                       <li><a href="">XXXXXX</a></li>
                       <li><a href="">XXXXXX</a></li>
                       <li><a href="">XXXXX</a></li>
                       <li><a href="">XXXXX</a></li>
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