Am 22.10.15 um 23:34 schrieb Simon Browning:
Thanks Richard

isfirst and islast will only give me the space at the beginning or end
of the list of categories though, won't it? It might work though, as
most articles won't have more than two or three categories

I haven't been very succesful nesting with inline fluid, below is what I
have, how would you work the iterator into it?

<div class="element-item {category.title -> f:for(each:
newsItem.categories, as: 'category')}  element-item  col-md-6
img-portfolio article articletype-{newsItem.type}{f:if(condition:
newsItem.istopnews, then: ' topnews')}" itemscope="itemscope"

for the CSS-Classlist commata are evil, and an additional space at the end does not disturb anything.

for a list outside of HTML-Tags(attributes) I would prefer the tag-notification of the viewhelpers:

<span class="categories"><f:for each="{newsItem.categories}" as="category" iteration="iterator">
{category.title}<f:if condition="{iterator.last}"><f:else>,</f:else></f:if>

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