
It was a problem with "cHash". Fixed now. Thanks..:)


On Mon, Oct 26, 2015 at 1:48 PM, bernd wilke <t...@bernd-wilke.net> wrote:

> Am 23.10.15 um 11:08 schrieb Arun Chandran:
>> Hi All,
>> I've a Typo3 6.2.15 installation and I am using tx_news version 3.2.4 for
>> article management. I am facing a strange issue with tx_news and realurl (
>> version 1.13.4 ). Suppose when I click on news article it leads to a
>> detail
>> page. When I come back and click on another news article, it also
>> displayed
>> the detail view of previous article. If I add "nc" (no cache) parameter to
>> the url, then it works without any issue. And also its working when I
>> disable realurl configuration.
>> I can't use "nc" parameter in the url due to SEO. So if there any
>> possibility to fix this caching issue with realurl and tx_news?
> have a look to the configuration of "cHash".
> and compare your realurl config with the news-docu:
> https://docs.typo3.org/typo3cms/extensions/news/AdministratorManual/BestPractice/Realurl/Index.html
> bernd
> --
> http://www.pi-phi.de/cheatsheet.html
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