Am 27.01.2016 um 10:34 schrieb Peter Mann:
Hi folks,

I am trying to solve this here :
I have an image which has to be entered into an article of a site. On
different parts of the image there shall be written some words. And
these words, which are links, shall react with a mouseover effect. (e.g.
shall be written bold once the cursor is over it or something similar)
How can I solve it the best and easiest way within my backend? Pls be
informed that I do "not" have any access to the FTP where TYPO3 is
installed...only the backend.
It would be nice if someone will have a solution. Many thx in advance.

that is not so easy. I don't think there will be a ready-to-use solution.

as this behaviour will need to have a special markup you need a special content-element (CE) with the option to place different texts/words over the image and link them.

you either have a fix layout for your special needs (eg. 3 words at posiotions 1,2,3) or you need to be flexible (e.g. IRRE with subrecords for each word with data for: word,link, position)

then you can output fix HTML or something JS can build/move together.

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