
I am stil struggling with the CE in an extension. 
This is how the template looks like.  It was giving the FE error: has no 
rendering definition.

{namespace ce = MyVender\MyExtension\ViewHelpers}
<ce:fal data="{data}">
    <article class="caption">
        <f:for each="{items}" as="image" iteration="iteration">
            <f:image src="{image.uid}" title="{image.title}" 
alt="{image.alternative}" class="caption-media" treatIdAsReference="1" />
        <div class="caption-overlay">
            <h1 class="caption-overlay-title">{data.header}</h1>
            <p class="caption-overlay-content">{data.bodytext}</p>

Since I am not sure what to put in the Viewhelper.php file? Is the path as 
mentioned just for reference, and do I replaced it with a path towards my 
extension’s viewhelper.php file? 
{namespace ce =teaserfoto/Classes/ViewHelpers/FalViewHelper.php}

I just tried it with a copy of FalViewHelper.php from gitthub: 
which I have in typo3conf/ext/teaserfoto/Classes/ViewHelpers/FalViewHelper.php

So when I use 
{namespace ce = MyVender\MyExtension\ViewHelpers\FalViewHelper.php}
{namespace ce =teaserfoto/Classes/ViewHelpers/FalViewHelper.php}

Parts of the CE are visible (the data.header and data.bodytext) are rendered 
but still no image visible. Only the {namespace ce 
=teaserfoto/Classes/ViewHelpers/FalViewHelper.php} line is in the FE output? So 
it looks like the viewhelper is not used? Or I have no FAL image? Where can I 
see if something is done with the image at all?

Any help on this.  Thanks

Best regards,


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