
On 18/04/2016 16:38, Christian Tauscher wrote:
Using the "New/Edit Record" view genereted by the Kickstarter is not
really good, since:

a) why should I write a view that looks like TCA: Use TCA instead.
b) image upload is not implemented and doing so is really really a pain!

Are there some viewhelpers in the Core for TCA rendering?
Some EXT in TER?

The module to manage BE users (sysext/beuser) has links to edit BE user records. If you look inside typo3/sysext/beuser/Resources/Private/Partials/BackendUser/IndexListRow.html you'll see that it uses a ViewHelper to build the link. In typo3/sysext/beuser/Classes/ViewHelpers/EditRecordViewHelper.php that ViewHelper is implemented.

You can use these as inspiration.

Jigal van Hemert
TYPO3 CMS Active Contributor

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