On 13/06/16 17:13, Bert Hiddink [BENDOO e-work solutions] wrote:

In TYPO3 6.2.25/tx_news, I want to restrict the category-tree when
someone edits the plugin by flexform.
However, the following:

TCEFORM.tx_news_domain_model_news.categories.config.treeConfig {
    rootUid = 2
    appearance.nonSelectableLevels = 0
...does not have any effect.
Any ideas?

Thanks in advance!

A solution would be to change the flexform.xml fromt the news. If I hardcode '565' there: <foreign_table_where> AND (sys_category.sys_language_uid = 0 OR sys_category.l10n_parent = 0) AND sys_category.pid=565 ORDER BY sys_category.title</foreign_table_where>

...it works but I would like to control this by TS or some variable.
Fe. ###CURRENT_PID###. However, the flexform does not seem to read this variable?

Any suggestions?

Thanks and regards,
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