
How to render a youtube thumbnail image file in typo 7.6.9?

If I use
{namespace vhs=FluidTYPO3\Vhs\ViewHelpers}
<vhs:variable.set name="pageUid" value="{data.pid}" />
<vhs:resource.record.fal table="pages" uid="{pageUid}" as="pageMedia" 
field="media" >
 <f:for each="{pageMedia}" as="media" iteration="mediaIteration">
   <f:image src="{media.uid}" class="thumbnail" treatIdAsReference="1" />

everything works as expected.

I can "upload" a youtube video in page ressources via youtube link and with the 
snippet above it shows the youtube thumbnail image on my page .

If I want to "translate" this snippet to typoscript, it doesn't work:

lib.youtubethumb = IMAGE
lib.youtubethumb {
 file {
   import.data = {field: muid}
   treatIdAsReference = 1
   import.listNum = 0

I call this snippet via:
<f:cObject typoscriptObjectPath="lib.youtubethumb" data="{muid: media.uid}" />
inside the for loop.

The snippet work for all pictures jpeg jpg png gif, but not for media with 
.youtube extension.

I also tried:

lib.youtubethumb = IMAGE
lib.youtubethumb {
 file {
   import.data = {field: muid}
   treatIdAsReference = 1
   import.listNum = 0
   ext = "youtube"

It doesn't work either.

What am I doing wrong?
My final goal is to put a play icon onto the youtube thumbnail. I want to use 
GIFBUILDER, but I failed at a very early point. Thats why the snippet is sooo 
basic :).

Thanks, Cheers
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