Am 05.07.2016 um 12:17 schrieb Shiva Haze:
> Lately I'm having some serious issues with TYPO3.
> In totally random intervals the site functionality breaks - some of the
> minor bugs are for example that stylesheets are not beeing loaded.
> One of the big bugs I had to deal with a few days ago was that my
> Website was completely inaccessible.
> On pageload the user got prompted to sign in (like a .htaccess blockage).
> Everytime I clear the Cache and wait for 1-2 minutes those problems are
> gone, so I expect the problem to be somehow connected with the Cache,
> but I'm not 100% sure..
another possibility: maybe your webspace is full...
and clearing the cache frees some space so the system could work until
next time the space is exeeded...

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