Jan Bartels <j.bart...@arcor.de> wrote:

> Am 06.11.2016 um 18:39 schrieb Axel Joensson:
> > Jan Bartels <j.bart...@arcor.de> wrote:
> >
> >> Am 23.10.2016 um 19:17 schrieb Axel Joensson:
> > [...]
> >>> First question: Which API key would you like me to register?
> > [...]
> >> You'll need a JavaScript (aka Browser) API key and a Server API key.
> >
> > Thx, I found the Google Maps JavaScript API, but still no "Server API
> > key" in the lists offered at
> > https://console.developers.google.com/apis/library/...? Is there
> > possibly yet another name for this Server key?
> e. g. Google Maps Geocoding API
> > And as I saw in the loads of documentation at the developers console,
> > there seems to be a "free limit per day" of 25,000 calls per day, with
> > 0,50 US$ being charged for every 1,000 calls in excess.
> AFAIK the app will fail if the the limit is exceeded.
> Jan

Thx for the hint, after I fixed some referrer issues, the map now shows
in the cloned developing installation and I may head for updating the
productive website, too. 

Still I wonder if Google doesn't make it far too difficult now just to
show a humble map in a website, compared to the simple c&p link URL they
offered in the past (which is not your fault). 

Thx again,

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