Hi  Peder,

Concerning ionCube you've to stick to manual or any kind of support of ionCube, 
I've no experience with it.
But if you can deactivate usage respectively requirement  for a short while, 
then you can at least verify if the site is running without it. It means 
primary that extensions or scripts that need ionCube are never called, but if 
there are server- or php-modules for it you had to consider to deactivate them 
too perhaps for testing.
Before digging in it you still can try to switch error-reporting to the lowest 
level (info or at least warning) to get any hints what could be wrong, also 
usage of the devlog-extension could be useful.

BTW: in recent projects I remarked some errors when I switched debugging on and 
they;ve been SQL-errors related to realurl based on wrong 
realurl-configuration. So in general you still can test if the site is running 
well without realurl or cooluri.
Those errors I remarked by activating SQL-debugging in the install-tool.

Another question is if you use only one domain or perhaps two too deliver 
content and files. Could be a source for confusion too perhaps.
As explanation: I use one for files and one for dynamic content on my server.

Related to domains too: do you use certificates and https? Are there any problems perhaps 
like blocked files or blocked content like images in form of "data:base64..."?
Have a look in the browser-console to see any loading issues.

Best Regards,

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