
I've been struggling with indexed search and crawler for some days now and I have some questions.

Why is it that the crawler_im script does not process indexed search hooks and the crawler script does it? I know this for a fact since I am reviewing the source code and to me it has no logic. Do you have an insight on this?

The help for crawler says:

    crawler CLI interface -- Crawling the URLs from the queue

    [-s] [--silent] [-ss] [-h] [--help] [--countInARun count] [--sleepTime
    milliseconds] [--sleepAfterFinish seconds]

The help for crawler_im says:

    crawler CLI interface -- Submitting URLs to be crawled via CLI

    page_id [-s] [--silent] [-ss] [-d depth] [-o mode] [-n number] [-conf

Therefore, to me (please tell me if I am wrong, since I am really confused by this) if I call first crawler_im with a page_id that has an indexing configuration all the URLs submitted should be generated by that indexing configuration. However crawler_im just calls in its code getPageTreeAndUrls but never calls CLI_runHooks, which from my point of view it should.

I write all of this because I created an indexing configuration for the page tree (because I want to separate pages and records with defaultFreeIndexUidList) and I am following the manual in
I've noticed that I don't get the expected behavior.

Am I wrong?

Calling just crawler which does call CLI_runHooks never creates the structure I have specified with the indexing configurations I've made following exactly the indexed search manual.

May you advise on this?

Best regards,

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