On 08/24/2017 11:50 PM, Dave Zen wrote:
I used these files in that folder, copied them in another folder and styled my listview and this worked very well but I can't wrap the whole code in a <div> because the <h2> headline (from the content element input textfield) is not rendered by the tx_news fluid template files. I could make a wrapper div around the <div class="news"></div> (in the Layout/General.html) but then the <h2> would be outside of the wrapper div:

<div class="wrapper">
<div class="news">


I don't want that. The <h2> from the headline field should be inside the wrapper div.
But I can't find the code where the <h2> is beeing rendered....

Well might be a difficult task to alter the position of the header of a content element. You would need to find the CE templates of Typo3 and alter.

An alternative and easier way could be you can let the header be hidden and use the header field inside your news template.

-- Vikram
FiveE Technologies.
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