
On 29/08/2017 17:13, Vikram Mandal wrote:
On 08/24/2017 10:54 AM, Vikram wrote:

The template files are under

The technical reason is: No template was found. View could not be
resolved for action "start" in class

I do have the file at


It worked when I placed by file under:

It is like: /Resources/Private/Templates/<Controller>

And the TS had no effect. May be I have some bug in the extension
created by the extension_builder extension.

Did you include that static templates of your extension in the root template? Maybe there is an ext_typoscript_setup.txt in your extension which contains configuration for the paths that do work. This file is automatically loaded and not like normal static templates only when included in a root template.

These paths work, but you have to take into consideration that the templates live in a subdirectory with the name of the controller (without "Controller").

Jigal van Hemert
TYPO3 CMS Core Team Member

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