Am 11.12.2009 13:03, schrieb Peter Kuehnlein:
Liebe Gruppe,
einen schoenen Freitag zunaechst!

Ich habe auf einer Installation sowohl die Seminar-Extension als auch
die Kalender-Extension laufen (und die tun's beide auch). Nun haette ich
gern, dass die angelegten Seminare automatisch im Kalender erscheinen.
Hat jemand damit Erfahrung wie das zu tun ist? (Muss ja wohl ueber die
Tabellen in der db gehen.)

Herzlichen Dank & schoene Gruesse,

Hallo Peter,

Bei abcourses geht es mit cal_ts_service from cal svn:

plugin.tx_cal_controller.pidList < plugin.tx_abcourses_pi1.pidList
plugin.tx_cal_controller {
    display {
        tx_abcourses_event {
# @description This is the heart of the connection SQL. It will be used in conjunction with # the view-where (findallWithinWhere, findAll and findWhere) to retrieve the according records.
            event_select {
selectFields = tx_abcourses_event.*,tx_abcourses_event_course_mm.uid_foreign, tx_abcourses_course.*, (tx_abcourses_event.coursestart+tx_abcourses_event.firstdaytimestart) AS ts_start, (tx_abcourses_event.courseend+tx_abcourses_event.lastdaytimeend) AS ts_end leftjoin = tx_abcourses_event_course_mm ON (tx_abcourses_event.uid =tx_abcourses_event_course_mm.uid_local) JOIN tx_abcourses_course ON(tx_abcourses_event_course_mm.uid_foreign = tx_abcourses_course.uid)

# @description This is the heart of the connection SQL. It will be used in conjunction with # the view-where (findallWithinWhere, findAll and findWhere) to retrieve the according records plus their categories.
            event_select_with_cat {
selectFields = tx_abcourses_event.*,tx_abcourses_event_course_mm.uid_foreign, tx_abcourses_course.*, (tx_abcourses_event.coursestart+tx_abcourses_event.firstdaytimestart) AS ts_start, (tx_abcourses_event.courseend+tx_abcourses_event.lastdaytimeend) AS ts_end leftjoin = tx_abcourses_event_course_mm ON (tx_abcourses_event.uid = tx_abcourses_event_course_mm.uid_local) JOIN tx_abcourses_course ON (tx_abcourses_event_course_mm.uid_foreign = tx_abcourses_course.uid)

            # @description    Configure the table the records come from.
            pidTable = tx_abcourses_event

# @description Define the where clause for the views: day, week, month, year, list, rss # Use ###START### and ###END### as marker to be replaced during runtime with the timeframe findAllWithinWhere = ((tx_abcourses_event.coursestart>=###START### AND tx_abcourses_event.coursestart<###END###) OR (tx_abcourses_event.courseend<###END### AND tx_abcourses_event.courseend>###START###) OR (tx_abcourses_event.courseend>###END### AND tx_abcourses_event.coursestart<###START###))

            # @description    Define the where clause for the ? view.
# Use ###START### and ###END### as marker to be replaced during runtime with the timeframe
            findAll =

# @description Define the where clause for the single event views: event, ics # Use ###START### and ###END### as marker to be replaced during runtime with the timeframe
            findWhere = tx_abcourses_event.uid = ###UID###

# @description Enable this to create a link to another page containing the single view of the external plugin. # Use ###DB_FIELD### to retrieve record related informations from the database (DB_FIELD is a placeholder)
            externalPlugin = 1

            externalPlugin {

# @description Define the pid for the external plugin single view
                singleViewPid < plugin.tx_abcourses_pi1.pidCourseDetails

# @description Array containing the url paramter to be added to the url
                additionalParams = tx_abcourses_pi1[courseId]=###UID###
                #additionalParams = tx_abcourses_pi1[eventId]=###COURSE###

# @description Enables the localization and/or versioning of the result record
            enableLocalizationAndVersioning = 0;

# @description Define the field containing the timestamp for the start time
            startTimeField = ts_start

# @description Define the field containing the timestamp for the end time
            endTimeField   = ts_end

# @description If there is no end time, you can define a default length (in minutes)
            # defaultLength = 180

# @description For a quick and easy integration, map your record fields to the standard event fields # You can always use ###DB_FIELD### (where DB_FIELD is a placeholder for a database row entry) to insert database values
            fieldMapping {
                title       = title
                description = subtitle
                #location    =
                #organizer   =
                #image       =

            # @description    The template to be used with these records
            template = EXT:cal_ts_service/template/ts.tmpl

            # @description    The header style class to be used
            #headerStyle = red_catheader

            # @description    The body style class to be used
            #bodyStyle = red_catbody

# @description The title in the legend description for these records
            legendDescription = Kurse

            search {
# @description The fields, which are allowed to be searched through
                searchEventFieldList = tx_abcourses_course.title

            # @description    Define the SQL to retrieve the categories
            cat_select {
selectFields = tx_abcourses_categorie.*,tx_abcourses_course_categorie_mm.uid_local leftjoin = tx_abcourses_course_categorie_mm ON (tx_abcourses_course_categorie_mm.uid_foreign = tx_abcourses_categorie.uid)
                andWhere =

            # @description    The table containing the category records
            catTable = tx_abcourses_categorie

# @description Retrieving and adopting the event configuration for the event view.
            event {
                event < plugin.tx_cal_controller.view.event.event
                event {
# @description The default image path is related to the tx_cal_{object type}. Therefore the path has to be overwritten
                    image.overridePath = uploads/pics/

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