On 8/30/11 5:55 PM, Sebastian Jurk wrote:

ich finde grad einfach nicht die Lösung und sitz da jetzt schon einige ZEit dran...

Ich habe die Extension imagescroller installiert. Diese bekommt die Bilder aus einem Contentelement vom Typ Imagescroller der aber eigentlich so aufgebaut ist wie ein Contentelement Bild.
Eine Lösung: mache es mit Javascript und las die EXT unangetastet.

Du nimmst einen jQuery-Ausdruck,der Dir die Bilder rausfumelt, shuffle sie und flansche sie wieder ein. Et voilà!

Ich brauche diese Bilder aber in zufälliger Reihenfolge. Ich habe schon alle möglichen Extensions ausprobiert aber es war keine dabei die dazu passt. Deshalb wollte ich das ganze jetzt in der Extension selbst erledigen... aber ich komme einfach nicht drauf wo ich was ändern muss. Es scheint fast wie wenn es egal ist was ich ändere.

Ich schätze da muss einfach ein shuffle benutzt werden um ein Array zu erzeugen mit welchem man dann die Bildurls und die Links zu den Bildern ändert. Nur alles was ich probiere bleibt egal.

Das hier ist die originale tx_imagescroller_pi1.php... kann mir jemand sagen wo ich ansetzen sollte?


*  Copyright notice
*  (c) 2007 Bernd Wilke <t3-y...@bernd-wilke.net>
*  All rights reserved
*  This script is part of the TYPO3 project. The TYPO3 project is
*  free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
*  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
*  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
*  (at your option) any later version.
*  The GNU General Public License can be found at
*  http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
*  This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
*  GNU General Public License for more details.
*  This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script!


 * Plugin 'Scrolling images' for the 'imagescroller' extension.
 * @author    Bernd Wilke <t3-y...@bernd-wilke.net>
 * @package    TYPO3
 * @subpackage    tx_imagescroller
class tx_imagescroller_pi1 extends tslib_pibase {
var $prefixId = 'tx_imagescroller_pi1'; // Same as class name var $scriptRelPath = 'pi1/class.tx_imagescroller_pi1.php'; // Path to this script relative to the extension dir.
    var $extKey        = 'imagescroller';    // The extension key.
    var $pi_checkCHash = true;

     * The main method of the PlugIn
     * @param    string        $content: The PlugIn content
     * @param    array        $conf: The PlugIn configuration
     * @return    The content that is displayed on the website
    function main($content,$conf)    {

$javascriptinclude = '<script src="typo3conf/ext/'.$this->extKey.'/res/motiongallery.js" type="text/javascript"></script>'; $GLOBALS['TSFE']->additionalHeaderData[$this->extKey] = $javascriptinclude;
        $preselector = '.'.$this->prefixId.' ';

            $cssinclude = NL.'<style type="text/css">'.NL

            $cssinclude_global = NL.'<style type="text/css">'.NL

$cssinclude_global .= ''//.'#statusdiv { position:absolute; left:-300px; visibility: hidden; }'.NL
                    //.'.motioncontainer a:hover {  }'.NL
.$preselector.' { position:relative; overflow:hidden; }'.NL

        $nocaption   =$conf['noCaption'] ? $conf['noCaption'] : false;

        if ($imW==0) $imW=400;
        if ($imCol==0) $imCol=1;

if (!$this->cObj->data['imageheight']) $this->cObj->data['imageheight']=200;
.'#motioncontainer'.$modid.' { width:'.(0+$width).'px; height:'.($this->cObj->data['imageheight']+($nocaption?0:30)).'px; max-width:1000px; }'.NL
               .'#motioncontainer'.$modid.' a:hover { }'.NL

        $galleryend  =$conf['galleryEndMsg'];
        $restarea    =trim($conf['restArea']);
        if (substr($restarea,-1)=='%') {
                $restarea = intval($restarea);
                if ($restarea <  0) $restarea =  0;
                if (90 < $restarea) $restarea = 90;
                $restarea = intval( $width * $restarea / 100);
        } else {
            if ($restarea<1) $restarea =100;
$maxspeed =intval($conf['maxSpeed']); if ($maxspeed<1 ) $maxspeed =20; if ($width/10<$maxspeed) $maxspeed=intval($width/10); $arrrfile =$conf['rightArr']; if (!$arrrfile) $arrrfile='typo3conf/ext/'.$this->extKey.'/res/arr-r.png'; $arrlfile =$conf['leftArr' ]; if (!$arrlfile) $arrlfile='typo3conf/ext/'.$this->extKey.'/res/arr-l.png';
        $noArrows    =$conf['noArrows'] ? $conf['noArrows'] : false;
        $precaption  =$conf['preCaption'];
        $postcaption =$conf['postCaption'];
        $pretitle    =$conf['preTitle'];
        $posttitle   =$conf['postTitle'];
        $prealt      =$conf['preAlt'];
        $postalt     =$conf['postAlt'];
        $prepics     =$conf['prePics'];
        $postpics    =$conf['postPics'];
$wraparound =isset($this->cObj->data['tx_imagescroller_wraparound'])?$this->cObj->data['tx_imagescroller_wraparound']:$conf['wrapAround']; $runforever =isset($this->cObj->data['tx_imagescroller_runforever'])?$this->cObj->data['tx_imagescroller_runforever']:$conf['runForever']; $initialmove =isset($this->cObj->data['tx_imagescroller_initialmove'])?$this->cObj->data['tx_imagescroller_initialmove']:intval($conf['initialMove']);
        $startdelay  =intval($conf['delay']);

$piclist = t3lib_div::trimExplode(',',$this->cObj->data['image']); $captionlist = t3lib_div::trimExplode(NL ,$this->cObj->data['imagecaption']); $titlelist = t3lib_div::trimExplode(NL ,$this->cObj->data['titleText']); $altlist = t3lib_div::trimExplode(NL ,$this->cObj->data['altText']); $linklist = t3lib_div::trimExplode(',',$this->cObj->data['image_link']); $longdesclist= t3lib_div::trimExplode(',',$this->cObj->data['longdescURL']);


$prepics =$this->cObj->substituteMarkerArray($prepics ,$ma,'###|###',$uppercase=1); $postpics=$this->cObj->substituteMarkerArray($postpics,$ma,'###|###',$uppercase=1);

,'//Set message to show at end of gallery. Enter "" to disable message.'.NL .'var endofgallerymsg='.($galleryend?'\'<span class="galleryend">'.$galleryend.'</span>\'':'\'\'').NL .'// Set width of the "neutral" area in the center of the gallery.'.NL
                       .'var restarea='.(0+$restarea).';'.NL
.'// Set top scroll speed in pixels. Script auto creates a range from 0 to top speed.'.NL
                       .'var maxspeed='.(0+$maxspeed).';'.NL

$content.= //'<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="gallerystyle.css" />'.NL.
               '<!-- Do not edit IE conditional style below -->'.NL
              .'<!--[if gte IE 5.5]>'.NL
              .'<style type="text/css">'.NL
//.'#motioncontainer_'.$this->cObj->data['uid'].' {width:expression(Math.min(this.offsetWidth, maxwidth["'.$modid.'"])+"px");}'.NL .'#motioncontainer_'.$this->cObj->data['uid'].' {zoom:1; width:expression(((0 < this.offsetWidth)?Math.min(this.offsetWidth, maxwidth["'.$modid.'"]):maxwidth["'.$modid.'"])+"px");}'.NL
              .'<!-- End Conditional Style -->'.NL

        if (!$height) $height=200;

if ($prepics) $content.='<div class="prepics">'.$prepics.'</div>'.NL; $content.='<div id="motioncontainer'.$modid.'" class="'.$this->prefixId.'">'.NL;
        if (!$noArrows) {
$imgdim = array('r'=>array('x'=>$arrr_size[0],'y'=>$arrr_size[1])
            if ($nocaption) $height-=30;
$content.='<div id="arr_l'.$modid.'"><img src="clear.gif" alt="&lt;" title="&lt;" /></div>'.NL .'<div id="arr_r'.$modid.'"><img src="clear.gif" alt="&gt;" title="&gt;" /></div>'.NL;
            $cssinclude .= NL
.'#arr_l'.$modid.' { background-image:url('.$arrlfile.'); position:absolute; top:'.(($height-$imgdim['l']['y'])/2).'px; left:0px; height:'.$imgdim['l']['y'].'px; width:'.$imgdim['l']['x'].'px; z-index:9; }'.NL .'#arr_r'.$modid.' { background-image:url('.$arrrfile.'); position:absolute; top:'.(($height-$imgdim['r']['y'])/2).'px;right:0px; height:'.$imgdim['r']['y'].'px; width:'.$imgdim['r']['x'].'px; z-index:9; }'.NL

$cssinclude_global .= $preselector.'.caption { position:absolute;bottom:-1em; }'.NL;

        for ($i=0; $i<count($piclist); $i++) {


            // just render one single image:
            $data = $this->cObj->data;

            $data['image']        = $piclist[$i];
            $data['imagecaption'] = $actcaption;
            $data['titleText']    = $acttitle;
            $data['altText']      = $actalt;
            $data['image_link']   = $linklist[$i];
            $data['longdescURL']  = $longdesclist[$i];

            $data['CType'] = 'image';
            $cObj = t3lib_div::makeInstance('tslib_cObj');
            $img = $cObj->cObjGetSingle('<tt_content', array());

            // get central image or link out of all wraps:
            $pos_a = strpos($img,'<a href');
            $pos_img = strpos($img,'<img ');
            if ($pos_a && $pos_a < $pos_img) {
                $img = substr($img,$pos_a);
                $pos_a_end = strpos($img,'</a>');
                $img = substr($img,0,$pos_a_end+4);
            } else if ($pos_img) {
                $img = substr($img,$pos_img);
                $pos_img_end = strpos($img,'/>');
                $img = substr($img,0,$pos_img_end+2);

            } else {
                    $img = 'no image found:'.$img;

            if (!$nocacption) {
// insert caption before image. it will be under image because of css //$img=str_replace('<img', '<span style="position:absolute;bottom:-1em;"> '.$actcaption.'</span><img', $img);
                $apos = strpos($img,'</a>');
                if ($apos) {
$img=str_replace('</a>', '<span class="caption"> '.$actcaption.'</span></a>', $img);
                } else {
$img .= '<span class="caption"> '.$actcaption.'</span>';

            $tmpcontent.='<span style="position:relative;">'
$content.='<div id="motiongallery'.$modid.'" class="motiongallery">'.NL.NL .'<div id="trueContainer'.$modid.'" class="trueContainer">'.NL
                 .'</div><!-- motiongallery'.$modid.' -->'.NL
             .'</div><!-- miotioncontainer'.$modid.' -->'.NL
$cssinclude_global .= $preselector.'.motiongallery { position:absolute; left:0; top:0; white-space:nowrap; }'.NL .$preselector.'.trueContainer { white-space:nowrap; }'.NL
if ($postpics) $content.='<div class="postpics">'.$postpics.'</div>'.NL;

        switch ($this->cObj->data['imageorient']) {
        case 0:
        case 3:
            $alignment=2; break;

        case 1:
        case 4:
        case 6:
                // right
                $alignment=1; break;

        case 2:
        case 5:
        case 7:
                // left
                $alignment=0; break;



        $content.=NL.'<script type="text/javascript">'.NL
.'imagescrollerversion="'.$EM_CONF[$this->extKey]['version'].'";'.NL .'// Set to maximum width for gallery - must be less than the actual length of the image train.'.NL
             .'// Set to 1 for left start, 0 for right, 2 for center.'.NL
        if ($wraparound)   $content.='wraparound["'.$modid.'"]=1;'.NL;
        if ($runforever)   $content.='runforever["'.$modid.'"]=1;'.NL;
        if ($startdelay>0) $content.='delay('.$startdelay.');'.NL;

        if ($initialmove) {
                if ($initialmove < 0)

          $cssinclude .= '/*]]>*/'.NL
          $cssinclude_global .= '/*]]>*/'.NL
$GLOBALS['TSFE']->additionalHeaderData[$this->extKey.'_css'] = $cssinclude_global; $GLOBALS['TSFE']->additionalHeaderData[$this->extKey.$modid.'_css'] = $cssinclude;

        return $content;

if (defined('TYPO3_MODE') && $TYPO3_CONF_VARS[TYPO3_MODE]['XCLASS']['ext/imagescroller/pi1/class.tx_imagescroller_pi1.php']) { include_once($TYPO3_CONF_VARS[TYPO3_MODE]['XCLASS']['ext/imagescroller/pi1/class.tx_imagescroller_pi1.php']);

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