Hallo Phil,

ja in die Doku zu schauen hätte auch geholfen ;-)
hab erstmal alle Foren durchsucht.

Vielen Dank!

-------- Original-Nachricht --------
> Datum: Fri, 07 Oct 2011 17:11:34 +0200
> Von: Philipp Gampe <typo3.li...@philippgampe.info>
> An: typo3-german@lists.typo3.org
> Betreff: Re: [TYPO3-german]   Sprachmenü nur aktiv wenn alternative 
> Übersetzung existiert

> Maria Meilinger wrote:
> > dann mache ich etwas falsch ;-((
> > 
> > schau mal, das ist mein Sprachmenü
> > 
> > 
> >   temp.MENU = HMENU
> >     temp.MENU {
> >         special = language
> >         special.value = 0,1,2
> >         addQueryString = 1
> >         addQueryString.exclude = L,cHash
> >     1 = TMENU
> >     1 {
> >        # expAll = 1
> >        noBlur = 1
> >        NO = 1
> >        NO {
> >          #doNotLinkIt = 1
> >          stdWrap.cObject = TEXT
> >          stdWrap.cObject.value = Deutsch || English || 中文
> >          allWrap (
> >          <div class="NO">|</div><div
> class="SPC">&nbsp;&#124;&nbsp;</div>
> >          |*| <div class="NO">|</div><div
> >          class="SPC">&nbsp;&#124;&nbsp;</div> |*| <div
> class="NO">|</div>
> >          )
> >          ATagParams = class="normal"
> >          
> >        }
> >        ACT = 1
> >        ACT {
> >          #doNotLinkIt = 1
> >          stdWrap.cObject = TEXT
> >          stdWrap.cObject.value = Deutsch || English || 中文
> >          allWrap (
> >          <div class="CUR">|</div><div
> class="SPC">&nbsp;&#124;&nbsp;</div>
> >          |*| <div class="CUR">|</div><div
> >          class="SPC">&nbsp;&#124;&nbsp;</div> |*| <div
> class="CUR">|</div>
> >          )
> >          ATagParams = class="active"
> >          
> >        }
> >       
> >     }
> >       stdWrap.required = 1
> >       stdWrap.wrap =  <div id="c85" class="csc-default"><div
> >       class="tx-srlanguagemenu-pi1">|</div></div>
> >   
> >   }
> > 
> > wenn ich die Option donotlinkit einsetze dann werden alle Menü Punkte
> > deaktiviert. Ich schaff es nicht nur für diese ausgewählten Seiten zum
> > Laufen zu bringen.
> Aus der Doku:
> http://typo3.org/documentation/document-
> library/references/doc_core_tsref/4.5.0/view/1/7/#id2635004
> special.language
> Creates a language selector menu. Typically this is made as a menu with 
> flags for each language a page is translated to and when the user clicks
> any 
> element the same page id is hit but with a change to the "&L" parameter in
> the URL.
> The "language" type will create menu items based on the current page
> record 
> but with the language record for each language overlaid if available. The 
> items all link to the current page id and only "&L" is changed.
> Note on item states:
> When "TSFE->sys_language_uid" matches the sys_language uid for an element 
> the state is set to "ACT", otherwise "NO". However, if a page is not 
> available due to the pages "Localization settings" (which can disable 
> translations) or if no Alternative Page Language record was found (can be 
> disabled with ".normalWhenNoLanguage", see below)  the state is set to 
> "USERDEF1" for non-active items and "USERDEF2" for active items. So in
> total 
> there are four states to create designs for. It is recommended to disable 
> the link on menu items rendered with "USERDEF1" and "USERDEF2" in this
> case 
> since they are disabled exactly because a page in that language does not 
> exist and might even issue an error if tried accessed (depending on site 
> configuration).
> Also schöne das doNotLinkIt bei USERDEF1 und 2 reinwürgen ;)
> Sie auch hier: http://typo3blogger.de/sprach-menu/
> Viele Grüße
> Phil
> -- 
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