
ich habe meinen Webserver neu eingerichtet, um aktuelle Programme leichter installieren zu können.

Auf meinem vServer laufen nun Debian wheezy (7), php5.4.4 und mysql 5.5

Soweit läuft auch alles ganz gut, aber es stört mich die Meldung im installtool:

" ---------------------------------------------------------
*No PHP opcode cache loaded*
PHP opcode caches hold a compiled version of executed PHP scripts in memory and do not require to recompile any script on each access. This can be a massive performance improvement and can put load off a server in general, a parse time reduction by factor three for full cached pages can be achieved easily if using some opcode cache. If in doubt choosing one, APC runs well and can be used as data cache layer in TYPO3 CMS as additional feature.
" ---------------------------------------------------------

und weiter unten:

" ---------------------------------------------------------
*Suhosin not loaded*
If enabling suhosin, suhosin.request.max_vars should be set to at least 400

*Suhosin not loaded*
If enabling suhosin, suhosin.post.max_vars should be set to at least 400

*Suhosin not loaded*
If enabling suhosin, suhosin.get.max_value_length should be set to at least 2000

*Suhosin not loaded*
If enabling suhosin, a useful setting is "suhosin.executor.include.whitelist = phar vfs"

*Suhosin not loaded*
If enabling suhosin, a useful setting is "suhosin.executor.include.whitelist = phar vfs"

*Some PHP functions currently disabled but OK*
disable_functions=pcntl_alarm pcntl_fork pcntl_waitpid pcntl_wait pcntl_wifexited pcntl_wifstopped pcntl_wifsignaled pcntl_wexitstatus pcntl_wtermsig pcntl_wstopsig pcntl_signal pcntl_signal_dispatch pcntl_get_last_error pcntl_strerror pcntl_sigprocmask pcntl_sigwaitinfo pcntl_sigtimedwait pcntl_exec pcntl_getpriority pcntl_setpriority . These function(s) are disabled. TYPO3 uses currently none of those, so you are good to go.

*PHP suhosin extension not loaded*
suhosin is an extension to harden the PHP environment. In general, it is good to have it from a security point of view. While TYPO3 CMS works fine with suhosin, it has some requirements different from default settings to be set if enabled.
" ---------------------------------------------------------

ich konnte leider nicht suhosin installieren, weil dieses scheinbar nicht im Paket von Debian enthalten ist.

Auch wenn die Lösung vielleicht offtopic ist, und nicht mehr viel mit Typo3 zu tun hat: Hat jemand das gleiche, oder ein ähnliches Problem schon erfolgreich beseitigt?


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