Grant Erickson wrote on :

> On 3/26/08 4:52 PM, Grant Erickson wrote:
> > While I generally develop against local file systems only, today I did
> > a build against an NFS mounted file system and encountered new behavior
> > in the u-boot build that I had never before seen.
> > 
> > That is, an indefinite iteration on "Generating include/":

> >             make-3.79   make-3.80   make-3.81
> >     -----------------------------------------
> >     ext3    SUCCESS     SUCCESS     SUCCESS
> >     nfs     SUCCESS     FAILURE     FAILURE
> >     tmpfs   SUCCESS     FAILURE     FAILURE
> >     -----------------------------------------

> Any insights on what might be at play? I thought perhaps GCC

  Maybe `.LOW_RESOLUTION_TIME' could help?  Also, it might be worth trying a
run with the -d flag, in case it shows up why make thinks
include/ is never up-to-date; it might be informative to know WRT
what precisely make thinks it is outdated.

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