
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on Thursday, April 03,
2008 3:37 AM: 
> I've been trying to get Das u-boot going on my S3C2410 based board and
> had no luck so far. Just trying to get something over the serial port
> for now. I have a Wiggler to JTAG the initial u-boot.bin
> Part of the problem is the target is brand new and not supported by
> anybody yet. I'm wondering if there's a similar board already
> supported 
> by u-boot?

Take a look into the Makefile and search for "s3c24x0". The "smdk2410"
is the eval board from Samsung. Maybe this is a good starting point.

> Its the CUWin at http://cubloc.com/product/05_01.php
> NOR Am29LV800
> NAND 2 x K9F1208
> No extra drivers, just the built in S3C2410 LCD, serial, ethernet et.

Ethernet is not built into the S3C2410!

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