> Ken Fuchs wrote:

> > Messages with just [U-Boot-Users] in the subject line implies it
> > was handled by [EMAIL PROTECTED]  If this is
> > the case, let the SF server handle the thread to completion! 

Wolfgang Denk wrote:
> This is not necessary. Threading should continue to work even when
> you continue on the new list. Same holds for the archive, I hope
> (but this has not been recovered yet).

A mailing list server typically only archives messages that it
actually serves, so a separate archiving server subscribed to
both lists would be needed to ensure entire threads are archived
together whose messages have been split between the u-boot-users
and u-boot mailing list servers. 
> > This is an implication of the sentence "Please post new
> > messages only to the new mailing list address".

> Actually it means what it says.

It doesn't necessarily mean what you thought it meant:

It says "new" messages implying that non-new messages can be posted
as well (A valid interpretation of a new message is a message with
a _new_ topic/subject, starting a _new_ thread; a valid
interpretation of non-new messages is responses to old messages).

Even the simplest message can be easily misinterpreted,
because natural languages are imprecise and depend on the
experiences of the receiver of the message even more than
experiences of the sender (eye of the beholder). 

If the intention was that everyone post _all_ messages to the new
server then the following sentence would have been clearer:

"Please post _all_ messages to the new mailing list address".

--- Unrelated topic ----

The new mailing list server is perhaps broken in the same way as
the old server:

Your response to my post was sent directly to me without the
[U-Boot] tag in the subject line.  My Mailman profile is
configured such that the server must send all mailing list
messages to me despite my address already being in a To or CC
header.  However, the old server didn't do this and neither
does the new server.

Has anyone else experienced this same problem with the new server?


Ken Fuchs

U-Boot mailing list

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