> I suspected the linkerscript was the issue.
> Can anyone point me in the right direction to a correct linker script
> for my purposes or even a good online source on how to correctly edit or
> generate a linker scripts with regards to interrupts/heap/stack/etc
> allocation rules/guidelines?.  I have tried editing these on my own
> (using scripts from Atmel, gnu script for the atap7000 chips, u-boot and
> freertos) with no luck.

I don't know. Linker scripts inevitably end up being highly dependent
on the run-time framework you're using (e.g. newlib, the AVR32 Software
Framework, ...) so it's hard to come up with any general guidelines.
U-Boot and Linux both use custom linker scripts because they provide
the whole run-time environment themselves, and they have a few special
requirements (special sections for initcalls, commands, etc.)

If you're using newlib, you should use the default linker scripts that
are included with the standalone toolchain. If they don't work, that's
a bug which we should look into. I've never really been involved with
newlib much, not even as a user, so I think your best bet is to talk to
Atmel support if this is the case.

> I'm having difficulty understanding why my app isn't working.  I'm
> guessing I'm close but I'm missing a piece of this puzzle.

Yes...it's difficult to write linker scripts, especially when you don't
know the run-time environment intimately.

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