Georg Schardt wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hi Jerry,
> thx for your comments, i will pay attention on the right patch format
> the next time. It is my first project I send patches to and until now,
> git is not my best friend.

Oh, but it will be.  ;-)  Git and open source development is optimized 
for getting something done and relying on the rest of the world (list) 
to critique the changes to get things done "right."  Note that this 
isn't just mentoring, it goes beyond correcting minor mistakes and 
becomes that magic known as *collaboration.*

In my day job, our change control system is optimized to get things done 
"right": it spends an enormous amount of energy (and money) to prevent 
anything "wrong" from being done.  While this is intuitive and appeals 
to the PHBs, the actual effect is that the change management system is 
optimized to *prevent* change.  If nothing changes, nothing will break 
(worse), therefore it is "optimal," assuming the proper definition of 
"optimal."  Aaargh!

> Sorry for my poor english, it is not my native  language and i dont
> know that this is a problem here.

To my shame, your English is a far cry better than my German, so you 
have nothing to apologize for there.

Your English isn't a big problem.  I mainly threw it in because I was 
critiquing other stuff.  OTOH, if nobody corrects errors (English, 
comments, content), nobody would learn how to do things better.

> Georg

Best regards,
U-Boot mailing list

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