Dear Hyungwon,

On 12/20/2013 06:07 AM, Hyungwon Hwang wrote:
Hi, Marczak

On Thu, 19 Dec 2013 11:40:26 +0100
Przemyslaw Marczak <> wrote:

Hello Hyungwon,

On 12/19/2013 06:40 AM, 황형원 wrote:
Hi, Marczak.

Is this logo image what I sent you before?

It's a little different what we use,
and also the logo image is not aligned center horizontally.

Best regards,
Hyungwon Hwang

This is not a logo which you sent me. Your logo has 24BPP and actually
it has displayed correctly because of fimd 24bpp mode. When I tried to
convert it to 16bpp with gimp, it was not displayed correctly in 16bpp
mode, there was some lines shift on display so I took logo from and resized it to 500x160 - now it's looking good.

This is the logo location:

I can add some x and y offsets to make word "TIZEN" aligned center.
If this logo is really bad, then can you share logo in PNG format? Or
BMP 16bpp?

The logo file is OK. Could you adjust alignment?
Also, I think that anti-aliasing is needed.
We can see stair-stepping appearance in diagonal lines.
Can you fix it?


Hyungwon Hwang
Samsung SWC S/W Platform Team
Smasung Electronics

You're right the picture size scalling method which I have chosen was not good enough. I fixed it and now logo quality is much better. I also introduced logo x and y offset in struct vidinfo, so function get logo will be looking like this:

file: lib/tizen/tizen.c

 void get_tizen_logo_info(vidinfo_t *vid)
-       switch (vid->resolution) {
-       case HD_RESOLUTION:
-               vid->logo_width = TIZEN_HD_LOGO_WIDTH;
-               vid->logo_height = TIZEN_HD_LOGO_HEIGHT;
-               vid->logo_addr = (ulong)tizen_hd_logo;
+       switch (vid->vl_bpix) {
+       case 4:
+               vid->logo_width = TIZEN_LOGO_16BPP_WIDTH;
+               vid->logo_height = TIZEN_LOGO_16BPP_HEIGHT;
+               vid->logo_x_offset = TIZEN_LOGO_16BPP_X_OFFSET;
+               vid->logo_y_offset = TIZEN_LOGO_16BPP_Y_OFFSET;
+               vid->logo_addr = (ulong)tizen_logo_16bpp_gzip;
+               vid->logo_addr = (ulong)tizen_logo_16bpp;
+               vid->logo_addr = 0;

and set logo position before display:
file: board/samsung/common/misc.c

        x = ((panel_info.vl_width - panel_info.logo_width) >> 1);
+       x += panel_info.logo_x_offset; /* For X center align */

        y = ((panel_info.vl_height - panel_info.logo_height) >> 1);
+       y += panel_info.logo_y_offset; /* For Y center align */

So every new logo in future could be simply center-aligned.
Is it ok?

Przemyslaw Marczak
Samsung R&D Institute Poland
Samsung Electronics
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