On Mon, Apr 27, 2009 at 03:28:28PM -0400, Mike Frysinger wrote:
> if you want your points to have any meaning/usage, then they have to be on 
> the 
> mailing list.  irc is useless for people trying to search for background 
> information to a problem.

I agree here, but I already gave up. And if "the real world timer verification" 
now mandatory, I'll do it, as it will lead to the effect faster. The only thing
I have to do is wait for a scope. I already run out of time I was supposed to 
with U-Boot, so everything I'm doing eats my spare time (sure, not an excuse 

To repeat it briefly. When dealing with 32bit underflow free running counter
mathematical proof precission is sufficient as everyone can verify its
correctness. Measurement in contrast needs either believe to device operator
or independent verification and after that, custodian is supposed to decide whom
to believe. In that case the most reliable way is to repeat measurement
himself. So this method really doesn't improve situation a lot and does not
take into account corner cases I described earlier.

> as it stands, your e-mail simply reads as "i agree with what Jean-Christophe 
> said".

Or more likely "I agree with what Wolfgang said" ;-)

Best regards,
U-Boot mailing list

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