Michael Walle <mich...@walle.cc> wrote on 2014/03/14 22:45:20:
> Am Freitag, 14. März 2014, 10:46:26 schrieb Joakim Tjernlund:
> > The fsl_espi.c is wreck w.r.t large TX data.
> > Below is what I had to hack to load a FPGA over SPI and
> > what is the malloc hack good for? This does not work
> > well for TXing several MB data.
> > 
> > The driver needs to be rewritten and I do not have the
> > time so I post what I got in the hope it can help someone
> > else or trigger a rewrite.
> although this is a bit harsh, i'm inclined to agree. last time i tried 
> driver, apart from reading from a spi flash, nothing else was working. 
even a 
> spi unlock was broken. if you actually capture the spi pins on a scope 
you see 
> that mostly garbage is transmitted in some cases (eg. using the raw spi 
> commands on the cli). fun fact: the spi unlock actually resulted in a 
spi lock 
> ;)
> i guess freescale haven't put much love into this one ;)

Yes, the driver is a quick hack to read small amounts of data from an 

Have you tried the kernel driver for eSPI? I haven't gotten there yet but
I pray it is better.

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