Am 24.05.2014 12:44, schrieb Marek Vasut:

> Please explain how you arrived to this conclusion.
Hello Marek,

I started writing an powerblock driver for the i.MX233 to use the imx233
olimex board with a battery.
Short time (instant up to 90 seconds) after the 5v to battery handoff
the system reseted.
The system was running on DCDC prior to the handoff. I suspected that
some of the power rails where droping and trigger
hardware brownouts. But this was not the case. The DCDC got shutdown and
some ms after that the rails begun to drop.
I have some scope pic of this happening i it is of interest.

I than tried out some random bits in the MINPWR register and the reset
problem was gone. Than I track down it to this 1 bit causing the
> This has been tested on i.MX28 , can you please check what the differences 
> are 
> between these two chips and why it works only on one of them ?

>From the block diagram in the AN4199 pdf i am quite sure that it wont
work this way on the i.MX28 either. The VDDIO Linreg is sourced from the
5V rail. So if we run from battery only we can not deactivate VDDIO from
DCDC by setting DISABLE_FET.

> The BootROM never hands over to U-Boot, so this really makes no sense. Can 
> you 
> please explain ? The BootROM handles over to U-Boot SPL, which configures the 
> power block.
Sorry I meant the U-Boot SPL.I not that familiar with U-Boot architecture.
> Also, I find it a very bad idea to depend on the BootROM to actually start 
> the 
> DCDC converter. I don't think we can universally say the DCDC converter is 
> running when entering U-Boot SPL. I also don't think we can even depend on 
> the 
> power block configuration when exiting the BootROM -- for example in JTAG 
> Boot 
> Mode, the BootROM halts early in the boot process and will likely not 
> configure 
> anything with regards to the power block.

I am with you at the point that proper initialization is very important
and we should not rely on BootROM.

If the system is running on battery only, we should not switch the VDDIO
regulator to Linreg mode because there are no 5V to source it. In
mxs_power_enable_4p2() all Regulators get switched to Linreg mode and
that kills the power to hole system and there by is triggering an
brownout reset.

The mxs_power_enable_4p2() function can only work if we assume
there is 5V present.

I hope I got clearer way this will not work in a battery only scenario.

Best regards,
Peter Schumann

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