On Wed, 2009-07-29 at 07:47 +0200, Wolfgang Denk wrote:
> Dear Scott,
> In message <20090728225244.ga8...@b07421-ec1.am.freescale.net> you wrote:
> >
> > The patch title is bad -- it's not disabling warnings, it's disabling an
> > aspect of C99 that the code is incompatible with (and which is pretty
> > questionable in the first place with such low level code). Note that in
> > Linux, this is disabled for the entire kernel.
> I know. But Linux is bigger than U-Boot, and I think we should be able
> to fix the few isolated places that throw such warnings.
> > As things stand, GCC may do bad things with that code.  With this patch,
> > it may not (at least not this particular sort of bad thing).  Those bad
> > things are not limited to the places where it warns -- those are just the
> > violations it detected.
> Agreed, and that's why I want to see this fixed.

Personally I feel this optimization to be in the "luxury" category. I'm
not sure it's worth the trouble in a project like u-boot. Maybe it
should be default off and only turned on for specific modules. like
checksum and compression stuff. 

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