On 12/02/2015 04:15 PM, Stefan Brüns wrote:
pxe get derives the pxelinux config file name from the bootfile name,
but the bootfile itself is never used and might not even exist.
Disable bootfile autoload to avoid the delay.

I wasn't CC'd on this and only accidentally noticed it, since it just happened to be the first email in this list folder this morning. It's good to CC people based on ./scripts/get_maintainer.pl's output.

diff --git a/include/config_distro_bootcmd.h b/include/config_distro_bootcmd.h

  #define BOOTENV_DEV_PXE(devtypeu, devtypel, instance) \
        "bootcmd_pxe=" \
                BOOTENV_RUN_USB_INIT \
-               "dhcp; " \
+               "env exists autoload && setenv autoload_save ${autoload}; " \
+                       "setenv autoload no; dhcp; " \
+               "env exists autoload_save && setenv autoload ${autoload_save}; 
" \

I think that last line should be unconditional; the previous statement unconditionally sets autoload to no, so we want to unconditionally restore the previous value of autoload, irrespective of whether it was set or not.

I'd expect:

setenv autoload_save $autoload
setenv autoload no
setenv autoload $autoload_save
setenv autoload_save

(or a cmdline option to "dhcp" to force it to only acquire an IP address would be nice too).
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