On Mon, Jan 04, 2016 at 05:25:44PM +0100, Alexander Graf wrote:

> I am not aware of anyone using the U-Boot API for grub these days, so
> I'm not sure it's an incredibly useful goal. The main pain point distros
> seem to have is to make something that "just works" on all systems out
> there. Moving into that direction should be our ultimate goal.

Please note that with the generic distro framework U-Boot will grok
https://wiki.freedesktop.org/www/Specifications/BootLoaderSpec/ and
things Just Work.  I setup a bunch of SD cards with Debian and Fedora
over holiday so I can drop them in whatever board and boot up Linux as a
sanity test.

I certainly can see a usecase for kicking off an EFI binary as part of
fitting into existing work-flows.  But we do already have a something
for getting rid of that particular pain-point and it's working :)


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